I am mother of 9 months beautiful daughter now, she is my pukuluku my heart, my sanu my pukuli and my whole world. Her tiny hands and feet melts me when she first came into our life. She looks more like her daddy, I heard somewhere girls who are like their fathers are lucky ones :). We as parents wants what’s best for our child. My daughter is my proud, She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.
My mornings start with her and taking care of her, cleaning feeding and playing with her. Trust me raising a child is full-time job, salute to all parents. After having baby, my respect for my mother is increased to next level. Life of mother is restless for sometimes if they are living in since family, I feel so lucky that our baby is getting love from all family members.
Now she can stand with the support of walls, she has her first tooth, she is doing amazing stuffs everyday. Her smile makes me smile, her laugh is infectious, her heart is pure and true. I love watching her growing.
Poet named ‘Signe Hammer’ said once, mothers are part of an unbroken chain going all the way back to the very beginning of humankind. Generations upon generations of mothers passing down the secrets of life, love in circles. My mom passed her legacy to me and no doubt, I will do the same.
There’s nothing quite as special as the unique and unbreakable relationship between a mother and child. The relationship may shift and change as time goes on but one thing will always remains the same: the unconditional love for each other.
Sooo cute 😘😘😘
Seeing u growing is soo blessed
Love from sanomumma❤️❤️❤️dallu